Privacy and Privacy Policy

NOSSDAQ understands that privacy is a very important issue. Regardless of whether the user is a customer, collaborator, service provider or visitor to our website and/or mobile app and/or third party APIs (hereinafter referred to as "Applicative").

Before you use our products, we recommend you read this Privacy Policy, as well as Terms of Use, and Compliance Policy. The user can only use our Application and Services if he agrees to such policies. In the same way, if the user is our collaborator, service provider or maintains any other kind of relationship with NOSSDAQ, know that you can only initiate that relationship if you agree to this Privacy Policy.


This policy is divided by themes, all referenced below. We recommend that everyone read:

1. Introduction














I. Introduction


1.1. NOSSDAQ may establish specific rules applicable to a particular product, as appropriate, that will complement and prevail over this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. In any case, it is necessary for the user to agree to the terms and conditions applicable.


1.2. This policy considers that established by Law No.709/2018 ("General Data Protection Act"), Act No. 8.078/1990 ("Consumer Defence Code"), Act No. 10.406/2002 ("Civil Code") and Act No. 12.965/2014 ("Civil Internet Framework") to clarify (i) what personal data we handle, how and for which it is handled; (ii) what its rights are under current legislation (iii) what are the NOSDAQ obligations regarding the processing of its personal data. It does not, however, contemplate the practices of other organizations referenced by links in our Application.



2.1. Before we explain what personal information we deal with, what the purposes of this treatment are, with whom we share your personal information.

We should clarify some concepts to help you better understand this Privacy Policy, whatever:

· Personal data holder: it is natural persons, end users and or legal representatives who provide their personal data for NOSDAQ.

· Data Processing: any operation that NOSSDAQ and/or a company operating on its behalf carries out with Personal Data, such as collection, production, receipt, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, filing, arming.

· Personal Information: all data related to the natural person identified or identifiable, which may include, name, CPF, IP address, but also, the customer ID, and other identifiers that, if analysed together, allow the identification of a Data Holder.

· Sensitive Personal Data: personal data of racial, ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of religious, philosophical or political character, given in relation to health or sexual life, genetic or biometrics, when linked.

· Data Controller: person or institution, whether public or private, who has jurisdiction over the relevant decisions regarding the processing of personal data, such as those defining the types of personal data to be processed, the purposes of the processing, and its duration. A

NOSSDAQ is playing the role of Controller of Personal Data shared by you, User.

· Data Processing Operator: it is the person or institution, under public or private law, that processes data on behalf of the Controller. Cloud service providers are Data Processing Activity Operators.

· Data Processing Officer: person designated by NOSDAQ to act as a communication channel between the Controller and Data Holders and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).





3.1. NossCompany Digital Services Ltd., limited company, registered with CNPJ under 44.868.835/0001-33, and based in Alameda Santos 700, Bela Vista – St. Paul/SP, CEP 01418-200, is the holder of all rights to and responsible for the online purchase and sale platform of Cryptoactives, provided through the website hosted under the domain www.Nossdaq.with and application for mobile device (designed together as "Applicative"). NOSSDAQ makes relevant decisions regarding the processing of your personal data, such as those defining the types of personal data to be processed, the purposes of the processing, and its duration, therefore, being a Controller of Personal Data shared by you when using the




4.1. Your data can be collected by NOSSDAQ as follows:


a) by navigating our site, making records and transactions in the Application;

b) sharing of key information for service delivery and NOSDAQ processes; and

c) when you, the user, come into contact with our care channels.

4.2. Other possible ways of obtaining data by NOSDAQ, as appropriate, are through external partners and information providers, which assist us in understanding demographic data and socioeconomic profiles, complementing the data collected by us.

4.3. Your personal data can also be collected through social networks, provided you grant permission to access the data on one or more networks.

4.4. Your personal information can also be collected through consultation with official public sources, such as a public or private database.

4.5. All the data collection sources we use ensure the protection and confidentiality of the user's data in accordance with the practices described here, the legislation and the applicable standards.

4.6. By conducting the record, navigating our Application, and using NOSSDAQ services, the following data and information may be collected:

a) Data records: full name, CPF, date of birth, telephone and e-mail;

b) Sensitive Data: digitized copy of a valid photo ID, plus selfies. This information is characterized as sensitive and essential personal data for identification control in computer systems and, without which, NOSSDAQ cannot provide the services provided here. Such information is necessary so that NOSSDAQ can provide its services safely, i.e. by identifying the user appropriately, and can be used, including facial biometrics.

c) Contact information: telephone numbers, with the aim of providing greater security to the services and reliability of the information provided by the user;

d) Credentials: we collect cryptographic password hashes, secure words, security PINs, and required security information chosen by the user for the authentication, account access and transaction process, for appropriate access control to your account;

e) Demographic data: gender, address, schooling, rent;

f) Financial data: we collect data needed to carry out real estate (R$), such as bank, account number and agency, as well as data and history of operations carried out in the Application to control it. We collect negotiation API keys and encrypted wallet address.

g) In addition to data related to user transactions with Cryptoactive, which includes profile, we handle data related to interaction with our communication channels, such as duration of visit, navigation paths in the Application, pageview behavior, characteristics.
h) Attendance data: interactions with our answering channels are also recorded, as are other user contact details, which may include chat content and voice recordings;

i) Relationship data: only when unambiguous permission is granted, can we capture data of which contacts are the user's relationship network;

j) Location data: we can collect location data from GPS (Global Navigation System), GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), mobile communications towers, Wi-Fi access points, or location from your IP.

k) Investor Profile Data: We can collect data related to the assets that the user normally invests in, for what period of time and how it would behave in the event of sudden loss of value.

l) Sports Preferences: We can collect data on the user's preference for specific teams (e.g. football).

4.7. By not sending the sensitive data and the sensitive data, the use of our channels, services and features may be restricted and even invalidated. NOSSDAQ may, as appropriate, request additional documents with the intent of ensuring full access to the Application's services, such as proof of rent and residence, necessary for upgrading the system.

4.8. The recruitment of the services provided by NOSDAQ presupposes the sending of e-mails (e.g. e-mails, notifications and SMS) from the security and administrative branch, and this dispatch is indispensable for the execution and development of our activity.




5.1. The main purpose for which we collect personal data is to fulfill a contract with the user and offer the best experience, safely, efficiently and customarily. We also use the data collected to create, develop, analyze, communicate, operate, deliver and prioritize our products, processes and services to deliver customized and complete experiments. Without prejudice to the provision of this item, we can use the data collected data to:

a) To allow transactions with NOSSDAQ-supported cryptographic assets to be made, to create purchase and sale orders, to generate and allow access to your virtual wallet;

b) Promote our products, processes and services;

c) Personalize content, make changes to our products and channels.

d) Provide new promotional features, products and dynamics;

e) Offer new products and/or services to the user, as well as personalized care and portfolio monitoring;

f) Conduct research and campaigns to continuously improve the user experience of NOSDAQ.

g) Solving problems and doubts, ensuring the quality of our services and care.

h) Establish a meaningful and assertive dialogue, respecting their interaction preferences, as well as sending important notices, such as notices, software change records, features, conditions and policies, among others;


i) To further refine our security by acting effectively in suspicious activities and violations of terms or policies;

j) Analyse the performance, trends and measure the Application's audience, check its browsing habits in the App, how the user arrived in the Application (e.g. through links from other sites, search engines or directly), evaluate statistics related to the Application.
k) Evaluate and monitor risks to the safety of the Application by refining and developing our security tools, especially with regard to our guidelines on money laundering prevention and counter-terrorism financing; and

l) Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.

m) Secondary purposes that are not conflicting or excessive with respect to the purposes listed above, such as, or to defend themselves in judicial or extrajudicial conflicts, always in accordance with the following:

Brazilian legislation in compliance with individual rights and freedoms of users.

5.2. For the purposes of qualification, training and safety, NOSSDAQ may monitor or record telephone conversations with the same or with people acting on their behalf. By communicating with NOSSDAQ, the user understands, agrees and authorizes that communications can be heard, monitored and/or recorded without notice or prior notice.


5.3. The user agrees and authorizes NOSSDAQ to use, copy, reproduce, make available, transmit, treat, share and translate into other languages all and any statements, statements, opinions, impressions, comments and suggestions that the user decides to leave publicly on our website.




6.1. NOSSDAQ guarantees the rights that the user holds in accordance with the General Data Protection Act, the Civil Internet Framework and other Brazilian sectoral data protection laws, such as:

a) Access to personal data: allows the user to access in his own account his personal data provided in his record and to request additional information, if desired;

b) Rectification of your personal information: allows the user to request correction

moment, in case the user identifies that any of his(s) are incomplete, inaccurate or out of date;

c) Blocking or eliminating unnecessary, excessive or treated personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Act: allows the user to request to stop the processing of his personal data, and the measure taken will be evaluated and taken according to each case, 
d) Right of personal data portability: allows the user to request that NOSSDAQ provide him, or any third party he chooses, the personal data in a structured and interoperable format;

e) Right to exclude personal data processed with the consent of the holder of personal data: allows the user to request the exclusion of his personal data when the processing of this data is optional and has as a legal basis his consent, data maintenance is required

f) Right of information on the sharing of personal data: allows the user to request information about third parties with which NOSDAQ shares his personal data;

g) Right to revoke consent at any time and right not to provide it and the consequences of not providing it: allows

that the user revokes his consent at any time, provided that depending on the nature of the personal data, the revocation may entail the impossibility of using the Application as a final character. The revocation of consent will have no retroactive effect.

6.2. To exercise your rights, the user may preferably use our Application's contact channels, unless the NOSDAQ contract indicates otherwise.


6.3. If the user is one of our clients, prior to your request, NOSSDAQ will request additional information to confirm your identity through one of our KYC - Know Your Client tools. In the event that NOSSDAQ is not the applicant's Personal Data Controller, NOSSDAQ will inform the applicant of its position as Personal Data Operator and, if possible, indicate the Controller responsible for responding to your request.


6.4. In addition to rights, the user also has some duties stipulated here in this policy, some of which are governed by the terms of use, others in specific contracts with the user. In case the user does not observe them, especially duties related to the security of his personal data, such as acts of disclosure of his access information (login and password) to third parties, use of public access computers (e.g.: lan houses) or any other form of connection to the Internet that is not private and secure, or yet uses jailbreak mobile appliances or has applications from unofficial stores, NOSDAQ will not be responsible for acts or facts arising from the collapse of these d.

6.5. Should the user require any assistance in exercising his rights, he should contact our Help Desk, for

half of the link, or with our Personal Data Manager at the email address:



7.1. Cookies are small files that collect personal data while you browse the Internet. Our Application uses cookies to ensure the safe and proper operation of the platform. In addition, cookies, the Data Management Platform tool and similar technologies support the process of customer identification, communication and too many marketing actions, as well as enabling the protection of collected data. They store information on web browsers, used on computers, phones and other devices, which bring information about their use in our Application.


7.2. NOSSDAQ uses cookies of its own that are essential for monitoring, monitoring and tracking potential vulnerabilities, risks of incidents and information security incidents, to act preemptively and provide a safe environment for our clients. It also uses third-party cookies for statistical analysis of navigation data to evaluate our Application and constantly improve our services and products by providing more customized use experience.


7.3. Cookies themselves are essential so that NOSDAQ can ensure a safe navigation environment and can provide proper service to the user, not being disabled. The user can disable third-party cookies in the settings in the Application, knowing that the NOSDAQ features and services may not be provided or may be partially provided in the event of deactivation. In order to break into the DMP, the request must be made on the Settings menu.


7.4. By accessing and connecting to NOSSDAQ channels without disabling these technologies, the user agrees to receive a more personalized navigation experience and authorizes storage, processing and sharing of the information already mentioned here.


7.5. In addition to the above, the NOSDAQ sends messages by electronic means as a notification center in the app itself, e-mails, text messages and notifications to confirm the app's activities for advertising purposes and uses technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, local storage, or The frequency of dispatch may vary, according to the user's interaction with these communications. At any time, the user may request the interruption of those e-mails, text messages and notifications through our communication channels. The application will be received by NOSSDAQ within 10 business days of the application, accessing:


a) Application Notifications and SMS, Preference Settings / Notifications menu.

b) Promotional e-mails, through their respective decadal link.





8.1. NOSSDAQ will store its personal information for the duration of the contractual relationship with the user, unless legal or regulatory provisions determine otherwise, and the maximum prescriptive deadlines laid down in the Civil Internet Framework, the Consumer Protection Code, the Code. 
regulations that may affect the service provided. In cases where there is no contractual relationship, NOSDAQ will keep the information that the user has agreed to provide us with until the request to discard the data and in accordance with applicable legislation.


9.1. NOSSDAQ may share your personal information and other information listed in item 4.6., previously indicated, with companies belonging to the same economic group as NOSSDAQ and with partner companies such as PINBANK BRAZIL INTELLIGENT PAYMENTS S.A (registered under NCPJ No. 17.079.937/0001-05), for the processing of Cryptoactive purchase and sale operations, offering specific features (such as viewing and/or accessing your NOSDAQ account), development and offering of products, services and records in the said companies. When sharing personal data with third parties is necessary for the development and provision of products and services that best serve the interests of the user, generation of statistical data and aggregates on the use of the Application, NOSDAQ will adopt the application as much as possible.


9.2. NOSSDAQ may also share user data with third parties in audit processes for corporate operations, or with partners and service providers in cases necessary for contract execution with the user.


9.3. NOSSDAQ can collect user information through identity check agencies and data offices to detect possible fraud, as well as credit bureaus, profiles and credit risks for credit analysis.


9.4. NOSSDAQ can share user personal information with its partners to provide their services, execute the contract with the user, conduct credit analysis and fraud prevention, and implement its Compliance and Know Your Client policies, Wash Prevention.


9.5. NOSSDAQ can share user personal data with third parties to protect their interests in any dispute, whether administrative, judicial or arbitral.


9.6. NOSSDAQ may share its personal data with public authorities in the event of investigative or administrative or judicial proceedings in Brazil or abroad (in this case, attempting to provide personal data with the same level of protection as in Brazil).


9.7. NOSSDAQ may carry out international transfers of personal data, either through contracts with technology service providers located outside the country or through the requirement of personal data protection authorities or foreign government entities, etc.


10.1. NOSSDAQ takes organizational measures, training and training its internal staff, as well as technical measures aimed at information security, for the protection of personal data, against unauthorized disclosure, improper access, modification and loss or leakage of data, in such a way as  NOSSDAQ implements best security practices in the processing of personal data, such as:

like cryptography, periodic security monitoring and testing, firewalls, among others.


10.2. NOSSDAQ adopts log access control and tracking mechanisms, with different levels of restriction on access to collected data, ensuring in its specific contracts – either with internal staff or with partners or service providers – that it does not comply with this regulation.


10.3. Preserving your account's security is also your responsibility, so keep your environment safe. Take good practices in creating access credentials, do not share third-party data, such as logins and passwords, use strong credentials, do not use the NOSDAQ password in others. It's also important to always move from our Application to its end, avoiding use in computers or public access networks and keeping the operating system and antivirus up-to-date.


10.3.1. NOSSDAQ does not send e-mails or notifications requesting confirmation or personal information, passwords, credit card numbers, encrypted wallet address, etc.; This could be phishing, a fraudulent practice that aims to induce the user to share personal information, logins and passwords with unintended people. It also does not send electronic messages with attachments that can be executed (extensions: .exe.with, among others) or links to any downloads. Never provide an answer to those e-mails and report to our answering channels.


10.3.2. In case the user is aware that any third party has access to their login and password, follow the procedure provided for in our Terms of Use.


10.4. In the event of a security incident resulting in destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access or leakage of personal data, the NOSDAQ shall notify the user within reasonable time and take appropriate measures to account for the involved and mitigate.



11.1. This Privacy Policy is governed, interpreted and regulated by Brazilian legislation and should be read in addition to our Information Security and Compliance Policy practices, as well as our Terms of Use and, where applicable, with respective contracts.


11.2. The San Paulo/SP County Forum is elected to resolve any controversy arising over this Privacy and Privacy Policy.


11.3. These are integral and inseparable parts of this Privacy and Privacy Policy, and the following documents are considered incorporated by reference:

  • Fees, commissions and limits;
  • Terms of Use;
  • Compliance policy; and
  • Information security practices.


12.1. NOSSDAQ is committed to reviewing this Privacy and Privacy Policy periodically to ensure that your privacy is protected.

compliance with the law, as well as to comply with the guidelines of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), which may, for these reasons, amend its terms at any time. Whenever there is a significant change, such as a new purpose for the personal information already reported, the user will be notified by means of the contact information provided by the user or by a warning in the Application. Upon notification, the user will have access to the new Privacy and Privacy Policy text.


13.1. In case you have any questions and/or need to take care of any matter related to this Privacy and Privacy Policy, please contact us at dpo@nossbank.with.Br.



These Terms and Conditions are for the purpose of stipulating the rights and obligations of the Company and its members in relation to the terms and conditions of use of the dbx24 Exchange and dbx24 Exchange services provided by Corexfy Co., Ltd. (will be stated as “the company” from now on)


This agreement is between the member and the service operator, dbx24.  It means that you have read, understood and aaccepted all the services, privacy policy on how we collect, use, process and disclose your personal information and that you agree to its services provided through the dbx24 website (, API (

This agreement is legally binding so it is crucial that you read the contract and its contents carefully before you embark on using the company site.  By registering, gaining access to and starting to use our service means that you are showing consent to our terms and conditions stated on the contract.

If you do not agree to these terms and conditions please request to cancel your membership at dbx24 and stop to use its service. 

If you would like a detailed description about dbx24, please refer to the license information and company introduction on the website. 

Contract Conditions

dbx24 has the authority to change the details of the agreement at any time freely.  dbx24 holds the responsibility to update any changes on the terms and conditions, and needs to announce any changes or new information on the website, and to notify their members regarding these updates. If the member continues to use its service, it means that they are agreeing to and giving consent to the updated agreement and its terms.

Restrictions for Use

In order to become a member of dbx24, you need to be over 18 years old, and must be an individual, company or other enterprise who has the capability to hold legal liability to comprehend the terms and conditions.  If not, the member and the member’s guardian must take legal responsibility for the results caused due to the member’s actions dbx24 has the authority to cancel or freeze the member’s account in addition to claim the member and the member’s guardian for compensation.


Denied for use

By accessing and using the services provided by dbx24, you acknowledge and declare that you are not on the list of trade or economic sanctions such as the UN Security Council sanctions list or the OFAC (US Department of the Treasury). dbx24 reserves the right to choose which markets and jurisdictions to operate.

Services to certain countries can be restricted or denied.  The contents of this Agreement shall not be excluded from the laws of the country in which you are located.  dbx24 maintains a position to prevent prohibited users from accessing dbx24 and the services provided by dbx24.

Prohibited countries: US, North Korea.


Service Description

dbx24 provides an online digital asset trading platform for products commonly known as cryptographic tokens, digital tokens, or encrypted currencies. dbx24 functions as a trading platform provider and is not a buyer or seller in the transactions between members.  dbx24 is not a market maker. Traders must register their account with dbx24 and deposit their digital assets before commencing the transaction. Traders may request withdrawals of digital assets in accordance with the restrictions set forth in the Terms of Use.

Although dbx24 will strive to maintain the accuracy of the information posted on the website, but cannot guarantee the reliability, perfection and compatibility, and accuracy of its content and will not compensate for any loss or damage.  The information related to dbx24 website may be directly or indirectly changed without any prior notice, and has its main purpose in helping the members to independently make their decision.  dbx24 does not provide investment advice services and as stated on other websites and telecommunications media sources, dbx24 does not hold any accountability for the use or interpretation of the information as specified on the website or other communication medium. All users of dbx24 must be aware that there is a risk associated with the transaction.

dbx24 emphasized on the security of the platform to ensure the security and continuity of its service, however does not take responsibility for malicious hacking, terror attacks, and other unexpected circumstances

dbx24 has the authority to cancel, trade back or block all physical trading in case a  suspicious transaction has been detected.  dbx24 has no right to demand a password or request a transfer of funds that does not exist on the platform.

Members agree to the fact that dbx24 does not hold accountability in case of situations mentioned above arise.  By agreeing to use the service dbx24 provides, members are giving consent that all information regarding dbx24 and its Terms are true and accurate.


Requirements for registering accounts at dbx24. 


All users must register their accounts at dbx24 before they start their use on the site.  In order to register an account, members must provide their real name, electronic email address and password and needs to agree to the Terms and sign on the Privacy Policy.  Depending on certain conditions or situations or at the discretion of the individual, opening bank accounts may be denied. 

Identification of the user

When you register an account at dbx24, it is required for you to consent to share personal information that was collected.  This information is used to detect money laundering, terror financing, fraud and other financial crimes, especially on the dbx24 platform.  In addition to providing this information, in order to facilitate compatibility with world industry standards for data retention, members agree to allow such information to be retained for five years after the termination of the account and for the term of the account.  A member agrees that the identity of a member may be verified or other inquiries may be made to protect the member and the company from financial crimes such as fraud.

The information we collect from you may include name, address, contact info. telephone number, user name, identification card issued by the government authorities.  By providing the above information the member must be able to verify that the information is true and not forged.  After registering, members must prove that the information they provided are up- to- date in case of any changes.  In case the information is not true or correct, and suspicion arises that the information provided by the member is not true or correct, outdated or incomplete, dbx24 may send notice to the member to correct, delete the relevant information, and in some cases delete all information.  If you are unable to contact us through the contact information provided by yourself, you are solely responsible for any loss or expense incurred while using the dbx24 Service.  Member acknowledges and agrees that if any changes are made, obliges to keep all information up-to-date.


Requirements for using Account

Only members who have completed their email verification are allowed to use their accounts.  dbx24 reserves the right to temporarily suspend, freeze or cancel a member's account. Therefore, dbx24 is not liable for these accounts. 


Account Security

dbx24 is committed to maintaining the safety of user funds entrusted to us and maintains industry-standard security for the platform. Members are responsible for safekeeping their dbx24 accounts and passwords, and dbx24 will not be held liable for damages caused by the disclosure of dbx24 accounts and passwords due to member's negligence.

Members must agree to the following

  • If members become aware of any unauthorized use of your dbx24 account and password or violation of the security rules, you must notify dbx24 immediately.
  • Members must strictly adhere to the security, authentication, processing, billing, withdrawal mechanisms or procedures of the website / service.
  • After using the service, members may log out and complete the use.

dbx24 will not be held responsible for any loss or consequences resulting from your failure to comply with the above account security provisions.


Dispute Resolution

dbx24 reserves the right to resolve issues and disputes at its sole discretion.  Some issues include violating the rights of others, violation of laws and regulations, unusual transactions, and other issues not expressed or mentioned in these Terms and Conditions. You are agreeing to bear the cost that incurred during the resolution process.

Regulations for using Davit Service

Member agrees to abide by the following commitments while using dbx24 Services.

  • All activities carried out while using the dbx24 Service must comply with applicable laws, regulations and various guidelines. dbx24 will not infringe upon public interest, public morality or interfere with the reasonable interest of an individual or party.
  • You will not avoid payable taxes or fees and will not violate this Agreement or any applicable rules. In case of the systematic error, the member shall immediately report the error to the dbx24 exchange and wait until an appropriate action is taken. In the event of a breach of trust of any of the foregoing, resulting in legal consequences, the Member shall independently perform all legal liability in his or her own name and shall indemnify dbx24 from any action, claim or cost arising out of such breach of trust. Members will not use any data or information displayed on the Site for commercial purposes without prior consent from dbx24's in writing. You will not engage in any unfair competition, nor interfere with normal operation of dbx24, and use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Examples of such malicious behavior include:
  • Utilizing any software or sub-routine, or harmful device that interferes with the website.
  • Requesting unreasonable data overload on network equipment
  • Malicious sales or distribution in the market
  • Member agrees that dbx24 will determine whether the Member is in breach of contract and take steps to enforce the relevant rules without the member's consent or prior notice. Examples of these behaviors include:
  • Block or Close the order
  • Freeze the account
  • Asset collection
  • Report the case to the authorities



  • Post the the violation and action taken


  • Remove the violation information

If a member's breach of contract causes damages to a third party, the Member shall have full legal responsibility in his / her name and shall not cause dbx24 to suffer damages, fines or any additional costs. If dbx24 has suffered a loss due to an alleged infringement or has been subject to penalties imposed by administrative authorities, you must reimburse dbx24 for losses and expenses, including attorneys' fees.

Service Charge

dbx24 holds the right to charge fees upon the members that use its service. dbx24 reserves the right to impose service charges on users who use the Service.  The fees charged to users who use the Service are adjusted at the sole discretion of dbx24.



Service Provided

dbx24 does not provide any form of guarantee related to the reliability of its technology, accuracy, perfection while trading.  dbx24 simply provides a platform in which it makes it possible to trade cryptocurrencies and receive all types of information regarding cryptocurrency.  Care must be taken to consider the relevant investment risks, trade information and the validity of investment decisions prior to using the services dbx24 provides.


Limitations of Liability

dbx24 will not be held liable for any loss arising out of any of the following, including:

  • Profit, Data loss, or other intangible loss
  • Service suspended due to inspection
  • Unauthorized use of the account or unauthorized alteration of data by a third party
  • Other losses not directly attributable to dbx24 in connection with dbx24 Services

In no event shall dbx24 be liable for any service interruption or delay caused by external factors, such as periodic network maintenance or power outages, natural disasters, service provider issues or government actions.



All official and public announcements, news, promotions and information related to competitions and Air drop notices can be found on the notice board, and it is recommended that all members regularly subscribe to it.  dbx24 does not take any responsibility or compensate for members who did not subscribe to the publishings and due to their own fault was made to incurr a loss to themselves.


Termination of Contract

Whenever the member decides they would like to discontinue the use of its service or does not agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the contract, members are allowed to terminate the contract by making a request through Manage Information Menu within the service or simply by contacting customer support.

The Company shall deal with the request to terminate their membership   according to the relevant laws and regulations.  However, the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Company without the intention or negligence from the Company in the process of canceling the use of its service  according to the member's request.

The Company may restrict the use of the Service by setting a time when the following reasons occur and may request corrective action. If you do not make a correction within a reasonable period of time despite the request for correction or if you repeatedly made the violation more than 2 times, you may cancel the contract.

  • In case of conduct or attempt to interfere with the smooth progress of the service provided by the company.
  • Violation of related laws and regulations, such as illegal communication and hacking, distribution of malicious programs, and excess access rights, which violate laws related to the provision and operation of illegal programs in violation of copyright law, promotion of information network utilization and information protection, etc.
  • In addition, in cases where there is a reason that the contract can not be maintained due to a reason similar to each case

Upon termination of the contract, all benefits received through the use of the service will expire and the company will not compensate for it.

When the termination of the contract is completed, all personal information of the member will be deleted except for the part which the company needs to hold according to the related laws and personal information processing policy.

If the company decides to terminate the user agreement, the company may retain the member's information for a certain period of time in case a member makes an objection and needs to receive and process it but after the period has elapsed, may delete all information (except for cryptocurrency selling/buying details).


Compliance with local laws


It is your responsibility to comply with local laws regarding the legal use of dbx24 in your jurisdiction. You must also acquire all aspects of taxation, withholding, collection, reporting and remittance to the appropriate tax authority within the scope of local law. All users of dbx24 and its services must acknowledge and declare that their sources of funding were done a legitimate manner and were not derived from illegal activities. dbx24 maintains a partnership with law enforcement authorities around the world and will not hesitate to capture, freeze, or terminate accounts and funds of users investigated by legal authorities.


Privacy Policy

dbx24 may, from time to time, publish and amend its privacy policy on the dbx24 Platform, as the Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Agreement. The latest version of our Privacy Policy is always available on our website.


Indemnification and Disclaimer

Except for cases in which dbx24 has breached its trust, members will be exempted from any claims received through 3rd parties and compensation requests from affiliates including dbx24.  As mentioned in the service description, dbx24 is committed to maintaining its data integrity on the site, but does not guarantee the information and services provided by that platform. dbx24 shall not be liable for errors resulting from the use of the Services.


If members encounter any problems or questions while using the service, or would like to share their opinions, please contact the Notice board through 1:1 Query.




dbx24 Privacy Policy

[Last revised: 30 JAN 2019]

This Privacy Policy explains how dbx24 Holdings Limited (“dbx24”) collects, uses, shares, and protects user information obtained through the website. The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to dbx24 Holdings Limited and its affiliates. When we ask for certain personal information from users it is because we are required by law to collect this information or it is relevant for specified purposes. Any non-required information you provide to us is done so voluntarily. You decided whether to provide us with these non-required information; you may not be able to access or utilize all of our Services if you choose not to.

By using the Site, you consent to the data practices described in this Privacy Policy. On occasion, dbx24 may revise this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in law or our personal data collection and use practices. If material changes are made to this Privacy Policy, the changes will be announced by posting on the site. We will ask for your consent before using your information for any purpose that is not covered in this Privacy Policy.

The latest privacy policy has incorporated elements from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as we act in accordance to its personal information processing rules within the European Economic Area (EEA).


We want you to understand the types of information we collect when you register for and use dbx24’s services

Information you provide to us at registration

When you create a dbx24 Account, you provide us with personal information that includes your contact information (Email Address, name, and a password). You can also choose to add a phone number for SMS or Google Authenticator account to be used for 2FA verification for improved security.

Information we collect when authenticating user identity

To comply with global industry regulatory standards including Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Know-Your-Customer (KYC), and Counter Terrorist Financing (CTF), dbx24 requires user accounts to undergo user identity authentication for both Personal & Enterprise-level accounts. This entails collecting formal identification.

Information we collect as you use our services

Service Usage Information

Through your use of the dbx24 platform, we also monitor and collect tracking information related to usage such as access date & time, device identification, operating system, browser type and IP address. This information may be directly obtained by dbx24 or through third party services. This service usage data helps us our systems to ensure that our interface is accessible for users across all platforms and can aid during criminal investigations.

Transaction Information

For all personal and enterprise user accounts, we collect transaction information including deposit snapshots, account balances, trade history, withdrawals, order activity and distribution history. This transaction data is monitored for suspicious trading activity for user fraud protection, and legal case resolution.


To provide and maintain our services

We use the information collected to deliver our services and verify user identity.
We use the IP address and unique identifiers stored in your device’s cookies to help us authenticate your identity and provide our service. Given our legal obligations and system requirements, we cannot provide you with services without data like identification, contact information and transaction-related information.

To protect our users

We use the information collected to protect our platform, users’ accounts and archives.
We use IP addresses and cookie data to protect against automated abuse such as spam, phishing and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
We analyze trading activity with the goal of detecting suspicious behavior early to prevent potential fraud and loss of funds to bad actors.

To comply with legal and regulatory requirements

Respect for the privacy and security of data you store with dbx24 informs our approach to complying with regulations, governmental requests and user-generated inquiries. We will not disclose or provide any personal information to third party sources without review from our legal case team and/or prior consent from the user.

To measure site performance

We actively measure and analyze data to understand how our services are used. This review activity is conducted by our operations team to continually improve our platform’s performance and to resolve issues with the user experience. 
We continuously monitor our systems’ activity information and communications with users to look for and quickly fix problems.

To communicate with you

We use personal information collected, like an email address to interact with users directly when providing customer support on a ticket or to keep you informed on log ins, transactions, and security. Without processing your personal information for confirming each communication, we will not be able to respond to your submitted requests, questions and inquiries. All direct communications are kept confidential and reviewed internally for accuracy.

To enforce our Terms of Use and other agreements

It is very important for us and our customers that we continually review, investigate and prevent any potentially prohibited or illegal activities that violate our Terms of Service. For the benefit of our entire user base, we carefully enforce our agreements with third parties and actively investigate violations of our posted Terms of Use. dbx24 reserves the right to terminate the provision of service to any user found engaging in activities that violate our Terms of Use.


dbx24 has implemented a number of security measures to ensure that your information is not lost, abused, or altered. Our data security measures include, but are not limited to: PCI Scanning, Secured Sockets Layered encryption technology, pseudonymization, internal data access restrictions, and strict physical access controls to buildings & files. Please note that it is impossible to guarantee 100% secure transmission of data over the Internet nor method of electronic storage. As such, we request that you understand the responsibility to independently take safety precautions to protect your own personal information.

If you suspect that your personal information has been compromised, especially account and/or password information, please lock your account and contact dbx24 customer service immediately.


We are committed to respecting the freedoms and rights of all our dbx24 users who have placed their trust in our service. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to file a Data Protection request, please refer to our FAQ and contact us on our Support Page.

